22 Oct 2011

Recetas rumanas - Romanian cuisine

Una de las cosas de las que más disfrutamos en este viaje fue sin duda la comida. Y es que la gastronomía también sirve para conocer las diversas culturas y para hacer amigos.
He encontrado esta página web con recetas de Rumanía. Espero que estén bien y que os gusten.
One of the most remarkable things in this travel was the local cuisine. We really enjoyed it!. Actually, gastronomy is a way to get to know different cultures and to make friends.. I've found this spanish website with Romanian recipes. Just try and enjoy!!!

Sopa servida en su pan que tomamos en Dömsöd, Hungría

20 Oct 2011

Fourth day

Fourth day.
Saturday 15th October.
We wake up early in the morning and we had a light breakfast . Then we went to Oradea University.
At 9 o'clock we started Moodle workshop where we incorporated some biography notes about scientists woman of Rumania, Turquía and Spain. Also we upload questions about general culture of countries mentioned.
Around 11 am we did a Coffee break with Romania’s traditional bread .
The end of the workshop we received a certificated of Oradea University mentioning our participation in that project.

We ate typical dishes in the coffee shop of the University, and finally we went for a walk to the orthodox monastery “Sfintei Cruci”.
The monastery has impressive buildings, specially a church that was destroyed by a storm. Now, the bigger church has two byzantines walls with paintings, about century XVIII.
The monastery is mantaineid by  the selling of souvenirs, The prices are chip. You can buy essences, religious clothes, boxes, bracelets, pints with prayers... 
Dinner time was free. We went to Oradea’s festival, where they celebrated the anniversary of the founding of the city.

Cuarto día. Sábado 15 de octubre.
Despertamos temprano e hicimos un desayuno ligero para acudir a La Universidad de Oradea.
Empezamos a las 9.00 am el taller de Moodle. Incorporamos unas breves notas biográficas de mujeres científicas tanto de Rumanía, Turquía y España. También adjuntamos preguntas de cultura general de esto países mencionados.
Alrededor de las 11:00 am hicimos un Coffee break con pan típico de Rumanía.
Al finalizar el taller recibimos un certificado de la Universidad de Oradea mencionando nuestra participación en este proyecto.
Comimos diversos platos típicos en la cafetería de la Universidad y al finalizar fuimos caminando al monasterio ortodoxo “Sfintei Cruci”. Nos impresionaron las edificaciones y particularmente una iglesia que fue destruida por una tormenta y actualmente cuenta con dos muros con pinturas bizantinas que datan aproximadamente del XVIII.
El monasterio se mantiene con la venta de sourvenirs, los precios son muy asequibles y se pueden encontrar esencias, ropa religiosa, cuadros, brazaletes, estampas con oraciones, etc.
La cena fue libre, fuimos a la feria de Oradea donde se festejaba el aniversario de la ciudad.

19 Oct 2011

Second day - Spanish group´s Trip Diary

Segundo día jueves 06 de octubre de 2011.
Empezamos actividades a las ocho de la mañana con un desayuno ligero en la cafetería.
Fuimos por la rivera del Danubio, donde paseamos varias horas.
Decidimos tomar el autobús turístico  para conocer la ciudad, donde la guía nos comento que Budapest está dividido en dos ciudades Buda y Pest, separadas por el río. En Buda está la zona más verde, con sus grandes edificios arquitectónicos, entre ellos el Castillo de Buda donde llego a residir la emperatirz Elisabeth, "Sisí" . Al otro lado del Danubio, se encuentra Pest, donde está situado el magnificente Parlamento, similar al de Londres, con su estilo principal neo-gótico, pero también son claras las influencias renacentistas.
Comimos en una crepería, en la cual existe una gran variedad de ellas, tanto dulce como saladas.
Partimos a las 16:00 p.m a Rumanía y llegamos por la noche. Durante el viaje hacia Rumanía tuvimos el privilegio de admirar los increíbles paisajes otoñales acompañados por una temperatura veraniega.
Al llegar a Rumanía seguíamos con una temperatura agradable.  Recibidos con una deliciosa cena donde participaron profesores y alumnos rumanos, húngaros, turcos y españoles. Haciendo las respectivas presentaciones en el idioma internacional, charlamos, cenamos y tuvimos una agradable velada. Posteriormente nos despedimos para retirarnos a nuestros acogedores aposentos en el Convento, para empezar al día siguiente con muchas actividades en la Universidad de Oradea, Rumanía.
Thursday October 6, 2011.
Activities begun at eight in the morning with a light breakfast in the cafeteria.
We went to the banks of the Danube, where we walked for several hours.
We decided to take the tourist bus to visit the city, where the guide told us that Budapest is divided into two cities Buda and Pest, separated by the river. In Buda there is the greenest area, with its great architectural buildings, including the Buda Castle, wherethe empress Elisabeth "Sissi" lived. Across the Danube, Pest is where is located the magnificent Parliament, similar to that of London, with its neo-Gothic main style, but are also clear Renaissance influences.
We ate at a creperie, where there are a variety of them, both sweet and savory.
We left at 16:00 pm to Romania and arrived at night. During the trip to Romania we  had the privilege to admire the incredible autum landscape, accompanied by autumn to summer temperatures.  In Romania the weather was also fine. We were greeted with a delicious dinner where teachers and students participated from many countries:... Romanian, Hungarian, Turkish and Spanish students and teachers together. After the presentations in the international language, we talked,  had dinner and spent a nice evening.  Afterwards we said goodbye to retire to our cozy rooms in the convent, to begin the next day with many activities at the University of Oradea, Romania.

17 Oct 2011

Spanish group fist day - Trip diary

Nuestro diario del viaje
Primer dia de viaje.
Llegamos al aeropuerto de Los Rodeos a las 6:00 de la mañana. Rosángeles llegó tarde porque a ella no le gusta ser la primera porque se pone nerviosa.
Fuimos a Madrid en metro y visitamos "la Puerta del Sol", vimos la estatua del "Oso y el Madroño"; después hicimos fotos de la Plaza Mayor, nos comimos un bocadillo de calamares con una cerveza. También vimos algún famoso como por ejemplo Aida, y más tarde cogimos otro avión que nos llevó a Francfurt, desde allí tomamos otro avión que nos llevó a Budapest, donde cogimos un minibús que nos llevó al hotel Papillón.
Llegamos a las 23.00 horas y nos fuimos a dormir.
First day of our trip
At 6 o'clock we arrived at Los rodeos airport, Rosángeles was late because she didn't want to be the first, because she gets nervious.
We went to Madrid by tube, we visited the Sol square and saw "El oso y el madroño" statue; after that we took photos of the Mayor Square, we ate    squit rolls and we drank half a pint. In this visit to Madrid we saw some famous persons, Aida for exemple. later we took another airplane to Frankfurt.
Then we took a plane that took us to Budapest where we caught a minibus that took us to the hotel Papillón.
We arrived at 23.oo hours and we went to sleep.

16 Oct 2011

Just a thought...

Do you know those funny moments when you've seen a picture so nice that you can't find the right words to properly describe it, and all you can say is "Wow!"? Well, the same thing happened to me these days... I wanted to write something about this whole Grundtvig experience and about how great I've felt around all of you guys since the day I've arrived from Budapest, but the words just didn't seem to fit. So I'll just say "Thank you!"... thank you for everything, for being so kind and cheerful. This project is my first of this kind, and I'll have to say that so far it was delightful! (including the Workshop) :-)

P.S.: Because I haven't got the chance to gather all your e-mail addresses and I'd really like to keep in touch, please send your e-mail address along with your name to danielacrisan90@gmail.com when you have the time. Thanks!

15 Oct 2011


Hello all! I would like to congratulate all participants of this fantastic trip, it moved me very much and I enccourage evveryone communicate through the blog to keep in touch.

14 Oct 2011


I had a new experience these days. Meeting people from other cultures was so interesting. Visiting Budapest was awesome! Many thanks to the teachers who`ve been with us! Greetings to all students!

Unthinkable movie about tolerance

I recommend this film to everyone, it seems very interesting. It taught me a reality that perhaps many people ignore.

Here is the trailer for the movie:http://www.movieweb.com/movie/unthinkable/trailer

I hope you like it.

Reply to comment by Andra

Thanks to this blog, we're all in contact. Do not worry. Ahh .. Also sorely missed.
A hug for everybody.


Hy to everybody, was nice to be together these days and I already miss you all.I hope that our colaboration will continue forever. Kisses to allllllllllllllllllllllll.

8 Oct 2011

Workshops in Oradea

We have been working hard in computers for two days. We had the oportunity to learn
  • about blogs- how to write a comment, how to send a post. I have sent the permissions to everyone who filled the form  "Contact us" Please check your email accounts and click on the comfirmation link you will find there.This is a meeting place for the educational community in each school, so that everyone can see what we are doing. We can write here a trip diary or explaiine our experience during the meetings, -as I am doing now-, or upload a photo, or  any thing we wish.
  • about moodle
  1. -how to make a True False Quiz, which is very important for the final activity in the project (Contest).
  2. how to work with data base. We prepared two data base activities in moodle: Women in History and Science and Intolerant Moment in History. Student did a great work in this field!.
  3. how to organize the moddle page for each country, in order to record all the developed activities and the planned activities in each school. This is teachers' task!!!!
  • aout the e-journal: how to be a journalist and collaborate. This was mainly for students.

As you can see, this was a lot of work, but participants were keen to learn and for Rosangeles and me it was a pleasure to help them!. 
Thank you for your attention and your collaboration!!!!

4 Oct 2011

I could finally to connect!!! but I did not know how!
I am happy to participate in this project and I thank everyone who made this possible.
I hope we have a nice experience to remember with love.
See you!
bon voyage

Esta imagen pertenece al Parlamento de Hungria. No te lo puedes perder.

How to use this blog

Dear students:
This is a place for you!  We want you to use it, explore it and spread it!!!!
If you do not how, here there is a tutorial. You can download and use it.
Next Friday we are going to learn in a workshop how to use this blog, so I hope this tutorial is going to be useful for you.
We are begining by very simple things, so I hope, but we can build together an exciting brand new place to share the experiencies and activities of our project Tolerance in a digital world.

Tolerance in a digital world: Last instructions.

Tolerance in a digital world: Last instructions.: Remember, the students are going to be the tour guides in Budapest. Just organize yourselves. See you soon. Six o'clock at Los Rodeos on the...

2 Oct 2011

Last instructions.

Remember, the students are going to be the tour guides in Budapest. Just organize yourselves.
See you soon.
Six o'clock at Los Rodeos on the fifth, no later.
Bring your passports, your ID and your insurance with you.
Remember we are going to spend a few hours in Madrid. So, don't bring a lot of hand luggage. Put a bag inside your luggage to bring presnts back!!! Romania seems to be very cheap and Christmas is getting closer...
See you

30 Sept 2011

Cosas a tener en cuenta para el viaje...

El vuelo de la compañia Lufthansa Madrid-Munich tiene una duración de 6 horas. Se desconoce si la clase turista, la nuestra, tiene la comida incluida. Al ser un vuelo internacional, es probable que sí lo esté. No en vano, se recomienda llevar un tentempie para la mañana y la tarde. Hemos encontrado una travesía en barco por el Danubio que cuesta 19€ por persona ( 4 horas de duración ). La temperatura media en la zona será entre 10º y 20º. Es conveniente llevar paraguas y un bolso de mano para los posibles souvenirs. El peso máximo de la maleta es de 23Kg y se recuerda que no se pueden llevar en mano botes de líquido de más de 200ml. Es muy importante llevar bañador si se quiere disfrutar del Spa que tiene el hotel donde nos quedaremos.

29 Sept 2011

Only five days

Only have five days to travel and have a new experience in the Project meeting of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership " A Tolerant World with the help of Digital Competences in the teaching of Adults " in Romanian and Hungary

Our invitation

27 Sept 2011

Meeting point for tolerance in a digital world

Wellcome to this new space in the European Project Tolerance for a digital world – Grundtvig Learning Partnership.
The aim of this blog is to become a meeting point for the students who participate in it.  Those traveling to Hungary and Romania can share their experiences with the rest of the students, and the students in the host countries can show us how everything is being developed.
We can share posts, pictures, weblinks... whatever we would like to show in order to spread the opportunities for learning that such a project facilitates.
Becoming a member of a community is the first step to tolerance. This is your choice to join us!
If you wish to be a part of this Meeting Point, please, tell us: just  click on the Contact tab above.  
Come in and enjoy!